sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2014

Merry Christmas from teacher Aurelia

As this will be 2.014 last entry, I want to use it to wish all my students and your families a very happy Christmas and a new year full of peace and happiness!

...and, as now you've got a lot of free time, look what a nice video starring the characters os "The Penguins of Madagascar" I found in You Tube:

Grade 1 children singing a Christmas song

Here we can see all children in grade 1 singing "I'm a dancing Christmas tree".
All of you are great!!
Thanks to Emi, our P.E. teacher, for filming us!!

Grade 2 children singing a Christmas song

Here we can see all children in grade 2 singing "O Christmas tree".
All of you are great!!
Thanks to Emi, our P.E. teacher, for filming us!!

Ideas sobre "Christmas" para las familias

En este artículo la editorial Oxford se dan algunos consejos a tener en cuenta durante estas vacaciones:
Y también nos ofrecen unas lecturas recomendadas, por niveles, muy interesantes:

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Grade 3 projects

What a great job you've done, girls and boys in Grade 3 classes!!
Congratulations for your projects, they're really cool!!
These are some of them:

...And here are all of them:
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3º A

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Grade 2 projects

Congratulations, families, for such a great job you've done about the projects!!
These are some of them:
And this is the video I've prepared with the photos I took of all the projects.

Again, congratulations!!!

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Grade 1 projects

Congratulations, families, for such a great job you've done about the projects!!
These are some of them:

And these are the videos I've prepared with the photos I took of all the projects.
Again, congratulations!!!

1º B
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A video about Christmas, for grade 3

This mornig we watched this video as we worked with a sheet about some Christmas words.
Let's watch it again!!

Christmas trees in 2º

This morning children in Grade 2 have started these cute Christmas trees:

If someone wants to make it again, here is the ... Christmas tree template

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas decorations in 3º

Los niños y niñas de 3º hicieron en clase el pasado viernes varias manualidades muy chulas. Así es como me quedaron a mí:

Por si a alguien se le ha estropeado y lo quiere volver a hacer, os dejo los enlaces a las plantillas:
Door decorations

Christmas trees in 1º

Esta mañana hemos empezado a hacer en las clases de 1º unos "Christmas trees" que venían en los Activity Books. Como les resultaba bastante complicado de realizar, y además llegarían destrozados a casa, he preferido que se los llevasen sin terminar. El resultado final debería ser:
Por si alguien quiere intentarlo hacer de nuevo, éstas son las páginas del cuadernillo escaneadas (hay que imprimirlas por delante y por detrás con bastante cuidado, que ni siquiera en el libro coincidían bien los dos lados):
Christmas tree 1
Christmas tree 2

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014

A Christmas song for Grade 2

This is the video I've prepared with the Christmas song we are learning in Grade 2 classes:

A Christmas song for Grade 3

Children in Grade 3 are learning the very popular Christmas song "Jingle bells". With this video by "Super simple songs" you will learn it very easily!

A Christmas song for Grade 1

In Grade 1 classes we have lots of fun singing and dancing this cool song by A. J. Jenkins:

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Christmas game at the "Fun zone", in Oxford Learning Zone

Remember there is a funny Christmas game in "Oxford Learning Zone". Just click on its picture on the right, then, click on "Fun zone", your level  and "Christmas click along" ... and practise this easy game:

Advent Calendar activities

I remind you that you can find a different activity on each Advent day, on the calendar we've got on the right.
And you can't miss all the others activities you'll find on the top of the page.

Snowmen and numbers!!

With this game you can make your snowman and  practise numbers from 1 to 10.

Christmas Maze, by Oxford

Here's an amazing game using Christmas vocabulary:

Let's prepare a project


      Como ya comentaba en la reuniones de principio de curso, una de las novedades en las clases de inglés en Primaria es la realización de un pequeño trabajo ("project") al terminar las unidades 2, 4 y 6. Como ya hemos terminado la unidad 2 ("Fly, kite, fly" en 1º, "Neon the fish" en 2º y "Wizard school" en 3º), me dirijo a los papás y mamás para que ayudéis a vuestros pequeños a realizar este trabajo de una manera creativa y divertida. Las familias de 2º y 3º ya conocen este tipo de actividad por cursos anteriores, además en 3º ya hicieron un project al inicio del curso para presentarse, éste es el enlace al montaje que realicé con aquellos trabajos:

     Como ya les explicaré también a ellos, para elaborar los "projects" nos basaremos en el vocabulario principal que se haya trabajado. Se trata de pegar sobre una cartulina tamaño folio aproximadamente, fotos o dibujos que ilustren unas frases que han de contener las estructuras y palabras que hemos estudiado. En las clases de 1º y 2º les entregaré una nota con ejemplos de estas frases. En 3º seguirán el modelo de la última ficha que hemos hecho "My school bag".

     Recogeré los trabajos el próximo lunes 15 (martes 16 para 3º), les haré fotos y con ellas realizaré un montaje que luego pondré aquí. También se expondrán algunos en los pasillos del colegio. 

     Lo más importante de esta actividad es que los chicos y chicas sean capaces de poner en práctica y personalizar los contenidos más relevantes trabajados a lo largo de la unidad.

     Os agradezco de antemano vuestra colaboración pues así, entre todos, vamos consiguiendo suscitar en nuestros niños y niñas entusiasmo y aprecio hacia las lenguas extranjeras en general, y el inglés en particular.

Thank you very much!!

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving Day. It is a national  holiday celebrated primarily in the United States  and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well.

School subjects

Let's learn more about school!
In Grade 3 classes we are practising now the names of the school subjets.
This is a very interesting quiz about it that can be played by teams:

And here you have Teacher Pilar's activities:

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

5 senses: Pinocchio's story

Children in grade 2 are learning about the 5 senses.
This is a video I've prepared to show this continuation of the traditional story "Pinocchio", designed by Oxford.
Do you remember the activities we did after we watched the story?

More about school, for 3rd

This is a very complete group of activities to learn the words perfectly!

And with this one you will be able to listen and repeat the words:

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

On line games about face and body

Children in Year 2 can already do Unit 2activities, at OXFORD ONLINE LEARNING ZONE.
And you can also do these other vocabulary games about face and body.
I hope you like them!:

To do this game you have to select "Body", and then "Texts" and "Sounds"

And here you will colour the clown's face, as the worksheet you did last week!

Colours games

1st graders are learning the names of the colours.
Let's study them with these activities.
First we listen and fix the words: 

And then we play "Memory"

Now let's review the colours with this cool page:

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

School objects games

In year 3, we are working on school objects. You can do all the activities in Oxford Online Zone:
You can also play these games:
In this page by Richmond you have to click on Unit 1 and do Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4:

And these are Teacher Pilar's activities in her blog:
School objects
Classroom words test
School supplies chant
Gogo at school

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Cookie's videos about face

Do children in Grade 2 remember the song and the story we learnt about face in Infantil?
Here you can see the videos I made and some other activities:

Cookie's videos about toys

Do you remember the songs and stories we learnt in Infantil about toys?
You can see them again clicking on the play buttons.

On line games about toys

Here we have some vocabulary games about toys, for students in Grade 1 that you can do apart from those in OXFORD ONLINE LEARNING ZONE.
I hope you like them!:
These are also from "Surprise", but they are different.